Tuesday, August 28, 2012

20 Days- Ways to Stay Accountable

After working out for many months you begin to see many of the benefits and changes in your body that result from the hard work.  Once I started to reach that point I used that energy and those changes to fuel me to keep going, but prior to that point I had to build my own accountability.   The plan or strategy that I used to keep me accountable was my blog and my 90 day challenge.  I decided that if I had to write about working out daily, or take pictures of myself throughout the process I would keep up with the exercise and meal plan. This is the initial way I  kept myself accountable.

Prior to starting this 90 days challenge I had been on many diets and had tried many work out programs.  One of the first obstacles I was able to overcome was changing my outlook.  I had to come to grips with the fact that weight loss done right takes time.  In the past if I had not seen changes within a  few weeks from my start date I would have surely quit and moved on to the next thing.  This time around I decided this was a lifestyle and over time if I just kept eating right and working out I would see results... Secondly, I created a very strong network through mentors (my work out trainer, my husband, my work out buddies) so that I would have the support to get it done.  I created my own inspiration by finding people who had conquered the same goals I was attempting so deep down it built encouragement in me and I knew I could do the same. Finally, I just decided to stick with it.  Many times staying accountable is simple about the decision.  I didn't waiver back and forth indecisively as to whether or not this was right for me.  I started June 15th and haven't looked back.  I have since learned after going so far that my journey is longer than I had originally anticipated but none the less I am always going to be half way there vs. just starting....

STS Workout with Kelly (6:am)

TRX Machine (pull ups)
Step Ups with 20lbs weight 15 each leg
Single Arm Barbell Jammer 45lbs bar 15x per arm  click here for example
Plank variation (up downs in plank position) 10 each arm

Cardio - running 3k in the park tonight

Meal Plan

10am Oatmeal
12pm turkey & cheese and crackers with water
4pm apples and pb
6pm chicken and broccoli

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