Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bikini Prep 101

I have found the world of bikini prep very fascinating so far.  As I embark on my first show I am very much coming to you as a novice in this whole ordeal so I hope to deliver my experience with very fresh eyes.  With that being said there are many topics that I can't or won’t be able to speak to until the day of the show such as pressure, psychology, and presence of mind.

What I can speak to at this point is the drive it takes to complete a task such as this.  It obviously starts with some sort of desire to change your body of which anyone can do with a little elbow grease (gym, clean eating and a consistent routine).  Ultimately the desire turns to some sort of determination to take your body to another level.  I think the competition for some is just a way to hold one’s self accountable by achieving a higher goal.  Walking  across a stage where 700-1000  peer at you or judge you will definately hold you accountable. LOL.  I know for myself when I even think about eating something not on my diet or missing a workout I think of all of those people and think... Don't Do It! Walk Away from the donut and then I do... walk away!

It requires much planning and focus to achieve this goal.  Never before have I had to plan for my meals or plan what exercise I will do even weeks out. Mostly everything is very specific and methodical so not much is left to chance.  Even my recent weigh in and body measurements are geared to have a specific outcome.  To go down and to weigh less but all this happens in a way that can be counted on.  The foods I eat and the exercise should yield certain results and that doesn't just happen by chance.  Even body fat has to be tracked and measured so that adjustments can be made along the way.  This is because everyone is different so a person’s body responds in kind but for the most part the system should work if the application is followed.

The final part of prep which will most likely be the focal point of future blogs will be the actual work that it takes to achieve a bikini prep body.  What will be covered are the diets that must be followed, the exercise routines that go into it, and the steps that should be put in place to compete on a stage.

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